Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Step 3 (cont): Organizational Options for Solid Waste Management Systems

There are various options available for the organization of a solid waste management program. The first and most obvious choice is to set up a collection and disposal system with the municipality. This requires that the municipality assign a budget to the program and provide the personnel to both manage and run the project. As you may have already realized, this is not an easy task. This method normally requires months of preparation and a municipality with the interest and funds to carry out such a program. If the municipality does not show interest in the issue of solid waste management, and if you can leverage enough support and the community is well organized you can lobby the municipality and present the program proposal at the annual presupuesto participativo (participatory budget) meeting. All you really need is an idea popular in the community with the support of a well organized group of people to prepare the proposal. Although, keep in mind that it’s a very political process, which may not be rational or fair. This annual meeting is the only formal opportunity to solicit funds from the municipality. Small funds can be solicited in most municipalities on other occasions, but this funding is not guaranteed even if promised.

Another option is to work with a local/regional business that is willing to fund the operational costs of a small solid waste management project. Many large Peruvian agribusinesses and tourism operations have the money and interest to invest in a project that will improve the standard of living of its workers and more importantly improve business and the image of the company (or companies). Social responsibility campaigns are catching on in Peru recently, and it’s a great opportunity to take advantage of. Also, local businesses are great contacts for donations (old barrels to be used as trash cans, recyclable material to sell, fruit to feed kids that participated in a clean up campaign…etc) and a medium to announce events and/or convey a message (posters in the lunchroom, announcements at meetings, etc.).

In the case of recycling, you can also work directly with the informal recyclers to set up a more formal system of collection house by house. This is a good option because it is in the best interest of community members (especially in very poor areas) to sell their recyclable materials to the recyclers. Also, working with the recyclers you avoid having to set up a system from scratch. This system would works especially well in establishments like schools, comedores populares, clubs, etc. as a way to raise money.

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