Household Surveys:
The household survey is your opportunity to converse directly and frankly with members of the community regarding their waste generation, storage and disposal habits and their attitudes and opinions about waste and waste disposal in the community. This information will be critical in helping you design a waste management program appropriate for the community. Household surveys will vary depending on the size, economic level, consumption level, local customs and information that the waste program planners are looking for. Here are some general tips to help you get started on your survey
- Always design and implement surveys with community members or a community group if possible
- Hold a planning meeting with participating community members to describe the purpose and plan the logistics of the survey (day of the week, time, designation of sectors, etc)
- Hold a mini-training with the survey team a couple days before the survey to go over the questions on the survey and give tips for successful interviews (including: a clear explanation of the survey purpose, non-directive question delivery, discreet observation of the household environment to ensure accurate responses, politeness and saying thank you, etc.)
- The day of the survey set time limits to ensure the completion of the surveys in a timely manner
- Hold a small celebration to thank the survey team and mark your accomplishment
See Appendix A for an example of a Household Survey
Municipal and Health Center Surveys:
The municipal and health center surveys will provide important information about the attitudes and opinions of local municipal and health officials along with their organizational and financial capacities. Even if you these entities have not to date expressed an interest in participating in planning the waste management program, they are key sources of information in the community. Additionally, the diagnostic is a good opportunity to show the health and municipal authorities that the waste program planning process is well organized and professional. This image will encourage local authorities to be more likely to support and participate in the waste program in the future. Like the household surveys, the municipal and health center surveys will vary between communities. Here are some general tips to help you with your surveys:
- Formally introduce yourself to the municipality (health center) and/or the mayor (doctor/nurses) if you have not already done so and explain the reason for and indicate your intention to complete a waste survey with the municipality (health center) at a later date
- First impressions are important, act professional and confident even if you aren’t (Bring a friend/family member/counterpart if you do not feel comfortable)
- Try to work with the mayor (doctor/nurse) or another official with authority on the municipal survey
- Invite the mayor (doctor/nurse) and other important officials to the presentation of the waste diagnostic results and indicate your desire to work with them (even if the show no interest)
See Appendix B for en example of a health center survey
See Appendix C for an example of a municipal survey
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