Working with the community members who evaluated the alternatives for waste management programs, develop the vision for the solid waste management program with goals and objectives. While it may not seem important, defining a specific set of goals and objectives from the start will guide the activities you plan and help you evaluate how you're doing further along. Here are some quick tips on writing objectives:
Checklist for Writing a Specific Objective:
1.Begin each statement of a specific learning outcome with a verb that specifies definite, observable behavior. (identify, apply, plan, analyze, explain, demonstrate, etc.)
2.Make sure that each statement meets all three of the criteria for a good learning objective: observable behavior, the conditions under which the student will be expected to perform, and the criteria to be used for evaluation of the student's performance.
3.Be sure to include complex objectives (appreciation, problem-solving, etc.) when they are appropriate.
A Learning Objective has three major components:
- A description of what the person/people will be able to DO
- The conditions under which the person/people will be able to perform said task
- The criteria for evaluating performance
*From Writing Learning Objectives. Raoul A. Arreola Ph.D. 1998, pg 3-4.
...NOTE: the meaning of the words goal and objective are often switched in Peru, here's an example from Carhuaz, Ancash:
*From Ciudades Saludables Una Prioridad: Manejo Sostenido de los Residuos Solidos en la Ciudad de Carhuaz. Ciudad Saludable, pg 20.
Activity Plans
Once you have defined your goals and objectives, you're ready to draw up an activity plan. Here is an example of a monthly work plan for a small-scale functioning solid waste system (note that the responsibilites for each activity are clearly established below the calendar):
1. Reactivación del Comité de Gestión Local de Residuos Sólidos de San José
Acondicionamiento del lugar (Club San José) – Lucho
Agenda y dirección de la reunión – Yajaira
Convocatoria – Yhajaira
2. Asamblea Pública de Rendición de las Cuentas y Actividades
· Convocatoria y seguimiento – Yajaira
· Bancas, mesas, micrófono, etc. – Lucho
· Agenda y Preparación de la exposición – Jocelyn
3. Encuestas a la población de San José
Coordinación General: Jocelyn
4. Arborización UPIS de Mayta Cápac y remodelación de la berma central de la
Av. Principal
Conseguir árboles y abono – Sra. Teresa
Coordinación con vecinos de Mayta Cápac – Fernando y Sra. Luci
Conseguir herramientas – Fernando y Lucho
Diseño de berma remodelada y arborización en Mayta Cápac – Jocelyn
Coordinación con Alcalde – Ñaña
5. Mantenimiento de triciclo, herramientas y uniformes
Coordinación General – Lucho
Your Turn!
Here's an empty rubric to fill with activities planned with the community (or use another format if you prefer). Don't forget to include activities/meetings that cover all the important elements of the project: organizational, financial, logistical, educational, evaluation, etc. :
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